Foodies of Bhubaneswar-Cuttack, the precursor to FoodFindo, is a facebook food community of food lovers of the twin city and it completed four awesome years on facebook. There could have been no better way to celebrate this landmark except a “Food Raid” which has been the reason why this group stands out among the horde of facebook communities we see today ! It’s a lovely vibrant group of foodies from different walks of life,who dine together and spend good quality time with people they have never even met before and by the time its time to share the desserts, the previously strangers in a group are the best buddies !

So on realizing the baby turned 4 on 16 July 2016, a food raid at a newly opened restaurant was scheduled based on “janta” ki demand!

Michael’s Kitchen has been making waves due to the exquisite continental dishes it has on offer!

The 1800 sqft property located right in front of Sainik School, Bhubaneswar is divided into two separate restaurants. One serves Continental and the other serves South East Asian and Indian cuisine as well. Our choice was Continental cuisine and our group of 20 foodies were for up for a treat !


 The Decor   

The restaurant boasts of a modern interior décor ! Neatly placed modern furniture with very soothing interior design colour & lighting scheme, with nothing fancy on the walls except a piece of modern art on one end makes the ambience pretty plush and cosy !

Bon Jovi’s numbers playing in the background made the meal even more appetizing to me. The beverages counter again manages to impress with a very chic design.

Michael’s Kitchen is probably the first such chef owned restaurant in the city where a famed chef started a restaurant by his own name. With a menu that is currently the most distinctive in the city, scanning it right from the starters to desserts is a sheer joy for food lovers in the city.

Pot Belly Crepe

 Pot Belly Crepe

Chef Michael being a wonderful host gave us a quick preview of what was on offer. Whenever trying Continental cuisine, there is a tried and tested formula, to let the chef surprise you !

That is exactly what we did. We let Michael to surprise us with the best from his kitchen.

Pollo Cilantro Cappuccino

 Pollo Cilantro Cappuccino

Like the old clichéd saying “first impression is the last impression”, the Soups and starters leave a lasting impression. You are pretty sure that what will be followed will be pretty awesome. In our case first up was “Pollo Cilantro Cappuccino”(Veg & Non-Veg).

Wondering what was so cappuccino about this soup, I found out that it was the beautiful piece of crockery(cappuccino cups) used to present the soup. A subtle thick soup with a dash of fresh cream on top was a great start to the lunch. The taste was very unique and refreshingly new from what we had been having in the local restaurants so far.

Grilled Straw Focaccia

 Grilled Straw Focaccia

Accompanying the soup were “Grilled Focaccia & Cheese straws” & “Spinach Cheese Rolls”. The Spinach Cheese Roll was a pretty exciting preparation of Spinach filled Cottage Cheese Rolls. The Grilled Focaccia was wonderfully complimenting the soup. The subtle flavours of the above three left us wanting for more.


Stuffed fish

In between we were also served “Mushroom corn Jalapeno Bite” which would be on our “must try” list along with the cheese roll. The lovely little bites are soft, melt in the mouth types.

The next dish was a non-vegetarian’s delight and a must try if you are ever visiting MK. You can thank me later. “Malesian Grilled Fish” was the most outstanding dish we have had in a long long time. Lovely flavours, beautiful crisp on the outside, delicately soft in the inside.

Malesian Fish

 Malesian Fish


 Spicy Paprika Prawns

“Spicy Paprika Prawns” were nothing extraordinary. Pretty ordinary, bland and the prawns lacked any flavour inside. The sauce was good but somehow it did not click our taste buds.

“Brushetto A-lla Pollo” is also a good try. Chicken and cheese topping on a toast is an ideal starter.

In between the starters and main course, the foodies loved the lovely “low carb chicken salad”. The dressing of the salad was just about perfect, though I still believe the chicken in the salad could have been a little more juicy and tender.

 Low Carb Chicken Salad

One of the chef’s special, by his own admission is “The pot belly crepe”. Some of us absolutely loved the dish, some of us were not so impressed by the dish. I was not impressed at the first bite, I did not like the crepe but loved the sauce on top of it. I received mixed reviews about the dish. So if you love crepes, then you should definitely try this.

“Roast Lamb Provencase” was a delight for people like me who love a good preparation of lamb. I fall in love with places which serve good lamb dishes and Michael’s Kitchen did not fail to impress me.


Lamb Prov-encase

The above dishes were the noteworthy items on offer. Other dishes included “Stuffed Fish”, “Ginger Capsicum Fried Rice” “Exotic Veg Basil pepper”, “Jade ball” & “Spaghetti”.

I am not a huge fan of desserts, but MK made me fall in love with the “Banana Split Crepe”. The not so sweet preparation was beautifully presented, Its surface was the softest canary yellow evenly dimpled with pale gold. So delicate you can barely pick it up. The lacy texture of the crepe makes you understand the real meaning of “foodgasm” !

 Banana Split Crepe

Overall it was a lovely meal. All of us loved the food. Michael, no doubt is currently one of the best chefs in the city. Full marks,in terms of food. Location wise, again it’s a perfect location, ample parking space, easy to locate, excellent approach road. Service is excellent, the lean and efficient team of MK is very well trained and cheerful.

With Chef Michael

Wish team Michael’s all the very best.

Michael’s Kitchen is located in-front of Sainik School, Bhubaneswar.